

Oppression is the systemic use of power and authority to discriminate against and marginalize a particular group of people, often on the basis of their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other characteristics.

Oppression can take many forms, including but not limited to:

  • Physical violence or coercion
  • Psychological abuse or manipulation
  • Economic exploitation or discrimination
  • Political disenfranchisement or suppression
  • Cultural imperialism or assimilation

Oppression can be exercised by individuals, groups, or institutions, and it can be intentional or unintentional. It can also be internalized, meaning that members of the oppressed group may internalize negative messages and beliefs about themselves and their worth, leading to self-hatred and self-doubt.

Oppression often involves a power imbalance, with those in positions of power and privilege using their influence to maintain control over marginalized groups.

Take Action

How you can combat oppression and work towards creating a more just and equitable society.

Learn more about the issues that affect marginalized communities. Read books, articles, and other materials about social justice, attend workshops or seminars, and engage in discussions with people who have different experiences and perspectives. By expanding your knowledge and understanding of these issues, you can better understand how you can contribute to creating positive change.

When you witness or hear about instances of oppression, it’s important to speak out and take a stand against it. This can involve publicly condemning the actions of those who are perpetuating oppression, or it can involve having difficult conversations with friends, family, or colleagues about the harm caused by oppressive behavior.

Support organizations that are working to address social justice issues, volunteer your time and resources to support marginalized communities, and advocate for policies and legislation that promote equity and inclusion.

Learn More

The United States’ Role in the ‘Super Bowl’ Massacre in Rafah

News about the latest escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been drown out by the Super Bowl.

The Civil Rights Road to Equity in Education

Kia and Linda Darling-Hammond discuss the urgent need for an equitable educational system and share their book, “The Civil Rights Road to Deeper Learning: Five Essentials for Equity.”

Study Hall: ‘Real Talk: Are Things Getting Better, or Worse?’

A Study Hall where we review the progress made since 2020 and what’s at stake in our collective response.

Related Words and Phrases

Internalized Oppression

White Savior Complex

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