Year in Review: 2023 Edition

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2024 marks an exciting next step for The ARD community. We’re moving to a weekly publication and launching a new public calendar with action items to take each and every day in 2024. This shift will give our team space to focus and dive a bit deeper into the topics that matter most and work closer with communities fighting for change—stay tuned for an announcement soon!

We’re thrilled to be expanding and advancing the mission of The ARD: inspiring all of us to take action to make our communities better. This wouldn’t be possible without you following, supporting, and engaging with our work. As we prepare for the next stage of our journey together, The ARD has compiled some of our favorite pieces from our work thus far. 

The Influence of White Supremacy on People of Color 

In the wake of a tragic mass shooting committed by a Nazi-sympathizing Latino man, Dominique broke down the conundrum of people of color supporting white supremacy. 

The Rise in the “Stand Your Ground” Defense 

Nicole’s investigation of the unequal application of the “stand your ground” defense reminds us that “as we reimagine the future, it’s up to us to advocate justice wherever necessary.” 

What We Get Wrong About Violence 

This recent article explores the violence hidden right under our noses: that committed by the governments that purport to represent and protect us. 

Slavery Hasn’t Been Abolished, It’s Been Reformed 

Vidal Guzman’s explanation of forced prison labor is grounded in his experience being obligated to work full time for 16 cents an hour in a New York State prison. 

The Role Intersectionality Plays in Justice for Black Women 

Nicole’s piece from June 2020 breaks down the crucial concept of intersectionality and explores how the intersection of patriarchy and racism erases non-male Black victims of police violence. 

Have Tough Conversations 

An accessible guide on how to have productive conversations with people we care about who are causing harm.

“All Hands on Deck”: Community Movement Builders on the Fight to Stop Cop City

 We interviewed Raffi from Community Movement Builders, an incredible organization whose Atlanta chapter is on the front line of the fight to stop the Cop City police training center. 

How Rising Food Costs Threatens Food Security

The pandemic exacerbated economic inequalities in our supposedly wealthy nation. This piece examines the country’s growing food insecurity. 

Study Hall: ‘How Can I Best Support People on Strike?’

From Hollywood to the warehouse, workers called for boycotts and strikes throughout 2023. In this two-part Study Hall, we address the importance of supporting strikes, even when it’s inconvenient.

Companies Committed to DEI. Then, the Layoffs Started.

The death of DEI in the workplace, schools, and the organizing realm culminated this year as 2020-driven corporate DEI initiatives were attacked and abandoned. 

How Inequality Fuels the Global Water Crisis

The fight for water access and rights will continue to be a rallying call in the new year as billions globally continue to lack access to clean water, including in the U.S.

The Role of Student Organizing, Then and Now

Student activism has been behind most movements that have shaped this country, bringing about social and political change. It will continue to be a driving force in the future. 

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